Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Meet Elaine Newton April 18th

Literacy Volunteers of Collier County Proudly Presents "Between the Covers: An Intimate Champagne Luncheon with Elaine Newton" - Ms. Newton's only Naples appearance outside of her acclaimed sold-out book review series!

Thursday, April 18, 2007 at the Quail West Country Club
11:30 Registration/12:00 Luncheon and Program
Valet Parking
$75.00 per person

Please RSVP by April 12th to:

Literacy Volunteers of Collier County oversees a program in which over 300 volunteer tutors work on a one-to-one basis with adult speakers of foreign languages who wishes to learn to read, write and speak English. Literacy Volunteers of Collier County has, over its long history of service to the community, helped hundreds of adults to succeed in their business and personal lives by giving them the ability to be fluent in English.

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